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Is Lane Splitting Legal in Kentucky?

Lane splitting, lane filtering, lane sharing, and shoulder surfing are motorcycle maneuvers that fall under a state’s traffic code. Many states prohibit lane splitting. California is the only state where it is legal, although Arizona, Connecticut, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington are considering legalizing the practice. Using such maneuvers anywhere will likely result in an…

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Are Drivers Who Run Red Lights Always at Fault?

Drivers who run red lights are frequently at fault in the auto accidents they’re involved in, but not always. Failing to stop at a red light is dangerous and usually violates traffic laws. But many other factors can also contribute to the cause of a crash at a red light. It often takes a…

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What If You Are In An Accident Driving A Rental Car?

Being involved in a car accident is stressful, but when it happens in a rental car, the situation can become even more complicated. Not only are you dealing with potential injuries and vehicle damage, but you’re also navigating rental agreements, insurance policies, and unfamiliar legal obligations.  In Kentucky, understanding the legal framework surrounding rental…

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What Are the Types of Damages in an Injury Case?

Suffering an injury due to the negligence of another person is a painful and expensive experience. It’s often possible to negotiate an equitable settlement between all parties without going to court. However, if an acceptable settlement can’t be reached, a personal injury lawsuit may need to be filed. If you are anticipating needing to…

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Injury Lawyers in Louisville

Injuries caused by another person’s actions can leave the victim with medical bills, financial challenges due to lost wages, and periods of pain and suffering. Whether the injuries occurred out of negligence or intentional acts, the injured party is eligible for compensation. However, an inadequate understanding of Louisville injury laws may make it difficult…

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Louisville Truck Accident Attorney: Understanding Trucking Accidents and Your Rights

Trucking accidents can be some of the most devastating types of accidents. Contact us today to get the compensation you deserve.

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