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Construction Accidents

Construction sites can be dangerous, even for skilled and cautious workers. Physical labor involves heavy machinery, power tools, electrical wiring, and working from heights or confined spaces. When accidents occur, they can leave workers with debilitating injuries. Some construction accidents claim lives. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) approximately 20% of worker fatalities in the U.S. occur in the construction industry.

The Kentucky construction accident attorneys at Sam Aguiar Injury Lawyers represent workers and their families in the wake of construction site injuries. We know the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions that such injuries can have, and we pursue fair compensation to help workers rebuild and move on.

To discuss your case, contact us and schedule a free consultation. We can come to you, or you can come to our office for a free review within 24 hours of your call or chat.

Representing Injured Construction Workers in Kentucky

After a construction accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation for medical bills, lost earnings, and possibly emotional trauma and other damages. We serve all of Kentucky and can take on any construction accident claim, whether it involves third-party liability or is covered by workers’ compensation. We will work to maximize your recovery, no matter the potential source of compensation.

Our Kentucky construction accident lawyers can take on cases involving:

  • Falls from scaffolding, ladders, and other heights;
  • Struck by falling or swinging objects;
  • Electrocution and electrical injuries;
  • Caught in or between equipment or materials;
  • Trench collapses;
  • Heavy machinery malfunction;
  • Toxic exposure;
  • Fires and explosions;

There are many other types of accidents and injuries.

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