Personal Injury Success Stories & Client Testimonials

Samples Of Our Work

It’s important to note that while these results highlight our success, they do not represent every case’s resolution. Factors such as specific damages, insurance coverage levels, and other variables can significantly impact the final result. Nonetheless, we proudly stand by this selection of results as an indication that at Sam Aguiar Injury Lawyers, clients are receiving the highest quality advocacy available in Louisville, Lexington, and throughout Kentucky.

Hurt In A Car? Call Sam Aguiar!


Insurance Coverage Dispute

Insurance carrier claims handling practices constituted common law and statutory violations.


Wrongful Death

Wrongful death of 26 year old female in her own home.


Car Accident

Client was injured due to an accident with an elderly distracted driver.



Commercial Vehicle Accident

Client received orthopedic injuries caused by intoxicated driver.


Box Truck Accident

Client suffered lower extremity injuries caused by driver in a hurry.


Semi Truck Accident

Client had crush injury to ankle caused by commercial driver distracted by cell phone.


Commercial Vehicle Accident

Client was injured in an accident caused by a bus driver.


Trucking Accident

Extensive discovery, depositions, and expert analysis revealed that the crash was result of several instances of wrongful conduct by multiple trucking companies and drivers.


Car Accident

Successful result for client whose case had already been declined by three different reputable law firms.


Trucking Accident

Fatal truck wreck occurred on congested interstate.


Trucking Accident

Closed head injury resulted from rear end car accident.


Trucking Accident

Multiple orthopedic injuries to single mother and son as a result of a rear-end truck crash. Insurance company initially only disclosed $1 million in coverage. Investigation uncovered second policy.


Insurance Coverage Dispute

Insurance company initially denied insurance was available for the claim. Interstate crash with head injuries.


Trucking Accident

Distracted truck driver caused client to suffer broken leg with extended recovery.


Car Accident

Policy limits settlement to client who was severely injured by a distracted driver.


Wrongful Death

Full payment of coverage limits following initial denial of responsibility by the Defendant.


Trucking Accident

Insurance company initially only disclosed $1 million in coverage. Investigation revealed second policy of $1 million. Both were paid in full.


Underinsured Motorist

Insurance company initially only disclosed $500,000 in coverage. Investigation showed that clients had additional coverage. Insurer then paid in full.


Wrongful Death

Fatal injuries to retired veteran who was initially found to be 100 percent at fault by multiple investigating agencies.


Motorycle Accident

Multiple injuries to client who was initially determined to be completely at fault for the accident by investigating officer and both insurance companies.


Trucking Accident

Client suffered injuries to lower extremity as a result of a truck with defective brakes.


Car Accident

Injuries suffered by multiple individuals as a result of a high speed police chase.


Civil Rights

Car accident that occurred when opposing driver crossed median, causing orthopedic injuries to our client.


Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Full policy limits payment to client under her UM coverages following a head-on collision.


Trucking Accident

Client suffered ankle injury when a poorly maintained truck caused an accident.


Car Accident

Obtained payment from three different sources for client following a single car accident in which she was passenger.


Civil Rights

Military veteran was shot by police officers while holding a tree saw.


Car Accident

Full insurance coverage limits paid after initially denying coverage applied to the accident.


Car Accident

Client suffered internal injuries caused by driver going the wrong way.


Car Accident

Client was ejected from truck after driver pulled in front of him.


Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Client suffered wrist injuries as a result of uninsured driver crossing into her lane.


Car Accident

Internal injuries caused by distracted driver. Insurance company for driver initially denied all liability for the accident.


Loss of Consortium

Policy limits settlement from truck intersection crash.


Car Accident

Policy limits settlement from a red light, high speed intersection collision.


Civil Rights


Police Chase


Dram Shop


Premises Liability


Underinsured Motorist Claim

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