Ensure Home Safety: 3 Tips for Space Heater Safety

3 Tips for Space Heater Safety

Aguiar injury lawyers Home burning

Bitter temperatures have recently hit many parts of Kentucky, making it difficult to keep homes in Louisville warm. Many residents purchase space heaters for extra warmth inside while temperatures continue to plummet outside. While space heaters are great for heating small areas, they are also a factor in many house fires. That means safe operation is necessary if you buy or use one this winter.

At Sam Aguiar Injury Lawyers, we know that home safety should always be taken seriously—especially regarding fire hazards. To use your space heater safely and reduce your risks, follow these safety tips:

  1. Don’t leave space heaters unattended. If you’re using one, always keep a close watch on it. Never leave home or sleep with one turned on inside your home.
  2. Don’t put space heaters near walls or objects. Space heaters need plenty of room to operate safely and efficiently. When they’re pushed up against walls or objects, they’re not only less effective, but they also become more dangerous as they can overheat and catch fire.
  3. Don’t plug in damaged space heaters. Check your space heater for damage before using it. Look for scorch marks along its exterior and check the cord for signs of fraying, cracking, or damage. Discard damaged space heaters immediately, as they can pose serious fire risks.

Space heaters are just one of many consumer products we rely on, but it’s essential to be aware of their potential risks. Our Louisville defective product lawyers know that many dangerous and recalled products are on store shelves and inside people’s homes, posing significant threats to them and their families.

If a defective product hurts you or someone you love, we’re here to help. Call today for a free consultation.