JUULS Are Linked To Serious Health Problems

JUULS Are Linked To Serious Health Problems

Sam Aguiar Injury Lawyers JUULs and Health Problems

Thanks to education and awareness campaigns, cigarette usage among all age groups has declined significantly over the past few decades, with around 21 percent of American adults smoking in 2005 and only 14 percent smoking in 2017. Unfortunately, the non-smoking trend is now reversing due to the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes and other vape devices like JUUL.

JUUL devices are small, easy to conceal, and loaded with nicotine. Although they don’t contain actual tobacco, they’re still dangerous to users’ health. Multiple states have either enacted or are planning on enacting bans against flavored vape pods and devices, which make e-cigarettes like JUUL more appealing to adolescents and teens, who are particularly at risk of nicotine injury and addiction.

In addition, multiple e-cigarette users have developed severe lung illnesses in recent months, and scientists have discovered that a carcinogenic menthol and mint flavoring that was banned in foods is found in some e-cigarettes. The chemical is called pulegone, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned its use in foods in 2018. However, the FDA doesn’t regulate its use in e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products.

E-cigarettes like JUUL can also pose risks to users because of their designs. Some users have been seriously injured by e-cigarettes catching fire or even exploding due to faulty batteries or overheating.

If you or someone you love was harmed by an e-cigarette, whether it was a JUUL or any other type of vape device, you may be eligible for compensation. The Louisville defective product attorneys at Sam Aguiar Injury Lawyers are here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation.